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Release instruction

This document describes how to prepare and publish a new Botkube release.


  • Proper permission on main botkube or botkube-docs repositories to trigger GitHub Actions.

The botkube repository​


Draft GitHub releases need to be manually checked and marked as pre-releases or published directly in the GitHub UI.

New minor or major release​

  1. Navigate to Cut a new release workflow.

  2. Click on Run workflow drop-down, fill Version field. (e.g. v0.14.0), and click Run Workflow. Botkube Release Cut

  3. It will generate all the needed artifacts and tag it with a release candidate tag, e.g. v0.14.0-rc.1.

    3.1. After final release candidate tests have been successful, continue to step 4.

    3.2. If bug is detected in the release candidate, create a pull-request with a bug fix against the release branch. Once the pull-request is merged, and the Prepare next release candidate workflow will be automatically triggered, and a new release candidate will be published, e.g. v0.14.0-rc.2.

  4. Navigate to Finalize release workflow and click on Run workflow drop-down and fill Version field to finalize specific release. (e.g. v0.14.0) Botkube Finalize Release

  5. If you need to do the patch release after you executed the Finalize release workflow, go to New patch release.

New patch release​

Let say that you have published v0.15.0 release and detected a problem in this version. As an action item, you may want to create set of PRs against a given release branch which is this case is release-0.15. After merging PRs to that release branch the Prepare next release candidate workflow won't be executed until you will not cut a new patch version v0.15.1.

  1. Navigate to Cut a new release workflow.

  2. Click on Run workflow drop-down and provide a patch release version like v0.15.1.

    By doing this, workflow will use release-0.15 as base release branch which was already created in minor and major releases, and will introduce new release candidates on top of that like v0.15.1-rc.1.

  3. Rest flow is the same as describe in 3rd point in New minor or major release section.

What this automation does under the hood?​

Let say that, our current production version is v0.14.0 and we want to do another minor release which is v0.15.0. Once you apply the release steps described above, it will perform following actions;

  • Creates a release branch like release-0.15 and pushes to remote
  • Processes Helm Chart to update helm docs, tags it as v0.15.0-rc.1 and pushes to remote
  • Generates Docker images for Botkube core
  • Builds Botkube plugins (sources and executors)
  • Generates Botkube plugin index YAML file
  • Generates changelog
  • Creates draft release candidate with changelog body. Additionally, adds Botkube plugins binaries and index YAML as assets.
  • Publishes Helm chart
  • After release candidate verification and triggering Finalize Release workflow, it repeats steps 2,3,4,5 with v0.15.0

The botkube-docs repository​

Release Steps​

  • Go to Botkube Docs Actions page, and click Release workflow

  • Click Run workflow drop-down and fill the Version input for the next release, e.g. 0.14 Botkube Docs Release


    Don't use semantic version format, only provide Major and Minor fields of semantic version like 0.14

What this automation does under the hood?​

  • Generates a release branch like release/0.14
  • Copies current documentation ./docs to ./versioned_docs,
  • Updates ./versions.json file,
  • Creates new sidebar in ./versioned_sidebars,
  • Creates an automatic PR against main branch

Archiving the older versions​

Currently, archiving older versions is manual. To archive an older version, follow these steps:

  • Remove the version from versions.json

  • Remove all files under versioned_docs/version-{version}

  • Remove sidebar file under versioned_sidebars/version-{version}-sidebars.json

  • Add the version to versions-archived.json with a working link to the archived version.

    You can find the link from the Cloudflare Pages job run, e.g.

Release Botkube Cloud​

After the releases on botkube and botkube-docs, proceed with the releases related to Botkube Cloud.

  1. Release Botkube Cloud plugins, matching the Botkube Agent release version.
  2. Use the latest Botkube Agent version in Botkube Cloud and release it.